President’s Report – May 2021

May is the month to celebrate mum and MoM’s (Mother’s of Multiples) are lucky to have double the love and joy to celebrate her. I love being a MoM because I have learnt about strengths I didn’t know I had and dealt with fears I didn’t know existed.

May is going to be a very busy month for CDMBA members; all flyers are featured in the newsletter. We kick off the month with the Post Natal Depression evening on the 6th of May, followed by the Mother’s day picnic on the 8th of May. We then have our monthly meeting on the 12th, closely followed by the 14th of May which is a “Meet & Greet the Committee” evening. Which opens the door into the Annual General Meeting on the 19th of May. The AGM is a much anticipated evening because it is an opportunity for the CDMBA members to contribute and be involved with the decision-making within the club and discover new skills. So please consider joining because “WE NEED YOU!” in order to make the club successful.

Lastly, I want to say a huge thank you to Shelley. She has resigned from the committee due to being offered full time work as mentioned in the April edition. CDMBA is so grateful to Shelley for all the hard work and effort she put into her roles on the CDMBA committee. She held numerous positions over the years and always gave her best to endeavour to make every event, newsletter and playgroup activity something to be proud of. Shelley’s bubbly personality great ideas and eye for details will be missed at committee meetings. We wish her all the best with her future endeavours.