President’s Report Issue 6 Volume 30Page 4 June Newsletter
I hope you all had a wonderful Mother’s Day.It is with great honour that I accepted the nomination of Club President. If I can be half the president Angie has been over the past 3 years I will be extremely proud of my achievements.
On Thursday the 12th May we held a very successful AGM. I would like to extend a sincere thank you to all our out-going commttee. You have all been very successful in helping to grow the club to what it is today. Every one of you should be extremely proud of what you have achieved.
A warm welcome to our new committee members and a big thank you to our returning committee. You all provide a solid continuity for our committee and club. Thank you to one of our founding member for chairing the AGM. You did a fantastic job.
I would like to take the opportunity to introduce myself. I, have a loving husband and 3 beautiful boys. One is 4 & ½ and my twins are 2
& ½ . I am a stay at home mum who enjoys spending time with my family & friends, baking, shopping and go-ing to musicals. I love to keep busy.
Back to business…….On the 26th April CDMBA hosted a sleep settling workshop presented by Mandy Hose. This event was very successful with 16 guests attending. It was great to see in attendance was not only parents that are going through sleep issues but also expectant par-
ents looking for ideas. I hope all those that attended found the event supportive and useful.
The committee is busy planning a fantastic family event for the June/July school holidays. We will be hosting a family movie night. Keep an eye out for details to this wonderful event. Also coming up we have our Bemersyde Drive Pie fundraiser. I sure am looking forward to getting some yummy pies again this year.
With the cold weather well and truly on its way, remember you don’t have to be stuck at home. Our Chisholm Playgroup and Young Bubs Playgroup both have indoor facilitiees. So come on down, grab and cuppa, have a chat and make the most of the rainy days! I look forward to seeing where we, as a team can take CDMBA over the next 12 months. Babe Ruth sums up the potential success of the club perfectly. “The way a team plays as a whole determines it success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don’t play together, the club won’t be worth a dime.” If we as members and committee work hard and work together we can achieve wonderful things for
CDMBA and its members.
I look forward to meetting you all at events throughout the year. Keep warm and take care.