I can’t believe school holidays are fast approaching and term 1 is nearly over. I am so proud of how well my 5 year old has settled in to Foundation at school. He is thriving and loving every minute of it. My twins have made me so proud by settling so well in to 3 year old kinder.2 weeks of tears from one of them but nothing other than that.
I hope all your kiddies starting school and kinder have had a great term 1. MBAW was celebrated this month with the theme focusing on the individuality of Multiples. This is a theme close to my heart as I have always wanted my boys to be individuals and to not feel like they are the same person. For those of you that know my twins will know very well that they are in fact very individual and very different kids. I love that they have their own ideas, likes and dislikes.
Thank you Angie for organizing a wonderful BBQ lunch to celebrate such a fantastic event. Thank you to all of you who came to help celebrate.The Easter Sub Committee has started planning a fantastic Easter Egg Hunt for Good Friday. Keep an eye out for further details for this wonderful event.
A new event we are trying really hard to get off the ground is a Dad’s Event! The perfect opportunity for the dads to get out of the house and meet other multi dads.We would really love to get some feedback from the Dads in the club as to what/where they would like to go/ do while catching up with other Dads. The AGM is fast approaching and we are always looking for volunteers to come onboard and join the committee.
Fresh ideas are always needed and more hands make light work. If you are considering taking on a position with committee and you have any question please send me an email president@caseydistrict.amba.org.au A list of positions can be found in the newsletter. If you have any ideas or suggestions please let me know. Unfortunately due to low attendance we have had to cancel Yallourn Playgroup as of next term. Chisholm Playgroup and Young Bubs Playgroup are still in full swing so head on down and grab a cuppa and enjoy a chat with other multi parents. Thank you to Meredith for investing time each week to assist in trying to provide a playgroup for our Gippsland based members. Wishing you all a Happy and Safe Easter!!