President’s Report – February 2022

As the start of the school year draws near my household is filled with all these emotions. My identical girls will be going to 3 year old kinder this year. This is the first time in their young lives they will be away from a parent regularly for more than an hour or two. They have yet to grasp this realisation that mommy won’t be there. Riley and Olivia are filled with excitement and curiosity and they can’t wait for this new adventure to begin. I too am excited but I have so many other emotions swirling around. I am elated for the first time in 3 years to have some mommy only time on a weekly basis. However I also realise this is the start of their school journey which fills me with joy, hesitation, nervousness and the slightest feeling of sadness of letting go and realising my little babies are growing up. I know they are still little and I cherish my time with them but the school days will get longer and my time with them will get shorter. I am a first time mom to our twins like many of our members and this is one of those big milestones for me. For other parents this experience might not be a big deal while for some this could feel very overwhelming. For those parents feeling overwhelmed please rely on your support network.

Good luck to all the children starting school and to those returning to school. If your children have yet to start kinder please join us at our playgroup on Wednesday for the Young Bubs and Fridays for all ages.

There will be a park catch up in February and it will be great to see our members there. Flyer in newsletter.